Having trouble paying your bill? These agencies might be able to help!
Below is a list of Agencies that provide assistance with utility bills:
Missouri Valley Community Action Agency
Lafayette County 660-584-3131
Johnson County 660-747-2245
Ray County 816-776-6057
Carrollton Office 660-542-0418
Marshall Office 660-886-7476
Salvation Army
Johnson County 660-422-4304
Independence, Mo. 816-252-3200
Assistance by school district (contact agency to determine if you qualify)
Faith Alliance of Odessa 402-560-9204
Grain Valley Comm. Services League 816-355-0328
HAMA Food Pantry 816-345-0705
Higginsville Heat & Hunger Fund 660-584-5556
Odessa Community Services Center 816-230-7558
Holden (Bright Futures) 816-732-5568
Oak Grove Community Services League 816-690-8213
Warrensburg School District 660-422-5770
Jackson County MAAC 816-768-8900
Catholic Charities 816-221-4377
United Way 816-474-5112