West Central Electric Cooperative is governed by a board of nine directors elected from among the members.
Nominations are announced in May at the Nominating Committee meeting, and Director elections are held during the annual meeting each year in August. Directors are elected for a three-year term.
Board of Directors Qualifications:
No person shall be eligible to become or remain a director or to hold any position of trust in the cooperative who:
(A) is not a member who continuously uses cooperative energy and service at his/her permanent, primary place of residence; or
(B) is in any way employed by or financially interested in a competing enterprise or business selling electric energy supplies to the cooperative, or a business primarily engaged in selling electrical or plumbing appliances, fixtures or supplies to the members of the cooperative; or
(C) Has been an employee of the cooperative within the last three (3) years.
Nothing contained in this section shall affect in any manner whatsoever the validity of any action taken at any meeting of the board of directors.
The board meets on the fourth Thursday of the month to make decisions concerning the cooperative's business.